Thursday, February 25, 2016

Spring 2016 post 5: Just follow the rules yo!!!!

Well, this week at TGen was a bit of a snoozer. Nothing really exciting happened because Kathleen was out of the office all day Tuesday, which is my long day there so typically we do all the cool stuff then. Without her, I couldn't go down into the storage room or set up interviews with the lab techs, so what did I end up doing you may wonder? Write-ups -_- ....... I got to spend my time sitting around boring myself to death trying to come up with different ways to make following the rules sound like a fun thing you should want to do, as well as something you have to do. After a while, I grew weary of that, so I moved on to coming up with ideas for educational posters that Kathleen and I can hang around the labs. The goal of theses posters is to educate the scientists in a friendly (more like passive aggressive) manner to do a variety of different tasks, most of which they should be doing anyways. Without being able to corroborate the lessons we actually wanted to promote, and what some of the lab lingo meant, with Kathleen, the posters also fell short of anything presentable.

The week was not lost, however! Today I did get the opportunity to go up to the fifth floor and tour the labs on the east side of the building. Kathleen and I were able to find two prime locations that we deem suitable for an SAA. I was also able to interview a lab tech that works in the breast cancer unit there on the fifth floor. Getting these interviews has proven to be more of a painstaking task than I originally had anticipated when I first hatched this crazy idea to interview the labs. It seems to be paying off however since the information we are gathering is proving to be useful. In fact, after asking one of the lab techs if their lab had any mercury thermometers (which is on of the questions on the survey), they found one a few days later and handed it over the Kathleen so that we could dispose of it properly.

That pretty much sums up my week as far as being an intern goes. I hope you were able to find something amusing or even mildly interesting while reading. To hold you over until next week. I have something you can check out. If you have Spotify, you should check out their playlist called "Folksy Covers". It's very nice music and has covers of songs both new and old. Very good station. Well, see yall next week!

1 comment:

  1. Lucas! I think it’s pretty awesome that you get to do write-ups. It may not be the most fun thing to do but at least you’re getting the experience to do them. That way you can teach others as well that don’t know how to do write-ups. And Kathleen seems awesome as well. Well keep it up Lucas.
