Friday, April 8, 2016

Spring 2016 Week 11: Time to move on

This week at TGen was once again fairly typical. On Tuesday, we went into the lab on the east side of the fourth floor to set up another SAA (Satalite Accumulation Area) since the other ones we set up have proved to be effective. After that, we ventured down into the waste room where Kathleen and I discussed rearranging it so that we could remove some stuff off the top of the flammables cabinet and just have a better overall flow of things. While we were down there I snagged a few quick photos for a few posters that I was making. once that was all done we ascended to the sixth floor to claim our posters that we requested to be printed from the previous week before.

On Thursday, Kathleen was in meetings for most of the day so I worked by myself. We got a larger number of new SDS's in that morning than usual, so I spent about 30 mins looking them up and logging them into the online database. Once that was done I started working on the posters again. One big thing that Kathleen and I did not like about the posters was how much white space was left on the paper. The printer prints the posters on a roll that is 44" wide and our posters are only 17"x22". We asked the help desk if they could just print two posters on the same sheet but they told us that the printer does not allow it. I, being the stuborn fool I am, refused to accept this lie and found a way to format the posters to get around this issue. I sent in the new set of freshly formated posters to the help desk for printing. They did not email me back telling me there was an issue with the posters so we'll just see how they turn out on tuesday. After I finished that I took the new posters we got from Tuesday down to the second floor to get cut to size. I had a great talk with the tech down there who showed me some things that would have made my life so much easier when first started making these dang posters. He also pointed out that the TGen logo I was using on the posters was stretched. I didn't know this since I got the logo from another interns document. He then showed me where I can find tons of TGen logos in TGens intranet. with this in mind, I went straight back to my office to change the logo on evey single poster I made. So now that I had two posters cut and ready to go I got the frames and put them in. To my suprise, they were too small. I quickly double checked the measurements of the frame and the size i formatted the posters to make sure this wasnt my fault before I started pointing fingers. Luckily, it wasnt my fault. It turned out that for some reason the printer, or one of the help desk emploies shrunk them down half an in in each direction. I only hope that they dont mess up the new posters that I sent in. I gave very specific size dimentions so I dont thik they will, but who ever knows.

So next week were getting back to our roots! Kathleen and I are going to go back to focusing on waste minimization efforts. Im excited because honestly, I am bored to death of making these stupid posters!!! I just hope that the time I spent on them actually helps the staff practice good safety habits.

Well my lovely readers, thank you again for stoping by and thank you for all your comments. Till next time, have a good week!

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