Saturday, March 12, 2016

Spring 2016 Post 7: Posters

This wasn't a very interesting week at TGen so I don't have much to say. All I worked on this week were those safety posters that I mentioned in last weeks blog post. I've learned a lot of very interesting stuff while making these posters such as there are special explosion proof fridges specially designed to store your flammable chemicals in so that they don't blow up your lab, and that it is really hard to make whimsical education safety posters with less 20 words. I should consult twitter and see if they have anything that would be useful. Kathleen wants to get some of the posters that I came up with printed next week so that we can start hanging them up. We also want to get the SAA's set up next week now that we know where we want them. So pretty much, to summarize this week, I worked on posters and made plans to do a bunch of stuff next week. So next week I should have an abundance of cool information to share with yall. Until then here is an educational song about quarks. Enjoy!

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